Category Archives: Pre-Wedding

Cheeks + Reine

Outdoor Bridal / Casual + Actual Day

Botanical Gardens / Chijmes

It gives me great pleasure documenting an ex-classmate’s wedding. The understanding – pretty much akin to an unusual sort of telepathy between us, needed no elaboration when it came down to the nitty-gritties. Worrying about your photographer’s performance on the day should be the last thing on the minds of the bridal couple. Trusting him or her to do his or her job proficiently would enable you to enjoy the wedding proceedings much more. Needless to say, the wedding turned out pretty chill and fun for Cheeks and Reine, while I too enjoyed catching up with the rest of the joes.

Thank you Cheeks, it was truly an honor for me to witness your big day!



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Atsushi + Mio

Outdoor bridal

According to a funny Japanese saying, “a man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple”. Meaning to say, we choose to see the beauty in the people that we love. Fortunately, I was handed the opportunity to witness both the love and beauty displayed by this lovely couple as evident through their interactions throughout the day.

Wishing you both the most beautiful wedding in Kagawa come 2016!

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Throwback Thursday #5

Presenting the fifth and final set of ‪#‎throwbackthursday‬ ‪#‎weddingportraits‬! Hope it brought back fond memories for some of the wedding couples featured here. Here’s an early toast to the weekend!

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Throwback Thursday #4

Remember to spend some quality time with your loved ones this weekend! #‎throwbackthursday‬ ‪#‎tbt‬ ‪#‎weddingportraits‬ ‪#‎WTAFinals2015‬ ‪#‎gamesetsingapore‬TBT15-012TBT15-015TBT15-018TBT15-029TBT15-033TBT15-035TBT15-038TBT15-040TBT15-043TBT15-048TBT15-049TBT15-050TBT15-052TBT15-055TBT15-058


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Throwback Thursday #3

Hang in there, we’re so close to the weekend! ‪#‎throwbackthursday‬ #weekthree ‪#‎hazefree‬ ‪#‎tbt‬ ‪#‎weddingportraits‬ ‪#‎happyweekend‬

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