Tag Archives: bukit timah railway


Atsushi + Mio

Outdoor bridal

According to a funny Japanese saying, “a man in love mistakes a pimple for a dimple”. Meaning to say, we choose to see the beauty in the people that we love. Fortunately, I was handed the opportunity to witness both the love and beauty displayed by this lovely couple as evident through their interactions throughout the day.

Wishing you both the most beautiful wedding in Kagawa come 2016!

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Throwback Thursday #4

Remember to spend some quality time with your loved ones this weekend! #‎throwbackthursday‬ ‪#‎tbt‬ ‪#‎weddingportraits‬ ‪#‎WTAFinals2015‬ ‪#‎gamesetsingapore‬TBT15-012TBT15-015TBT15-018TBT15-029TBT15-033TBT15-035TBT15-038TBT15-040TBT15-043TBT15-048TBT15-049TBT15-050TBT15-052TBT15-055TBT15-058


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Throwback Thursday #3

Hang in there, we’re so close to the weekend! ‪#‎throwbackthursday‬ #weekthree ‪#‎hazefree‬ ‪#‎tbt‬ ‪#‎weddingportraits‬ ‪#‎happyweekend‬

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West Side Stories

Faith + Noel

Outdoor Pre-Wedding

Scouting for outdoor locations in Singapore inadvertently leads to the debate of whether the western or eastern half of Singapore boasts prettier locations for photo-shoots.

Since the couple featured here spent a good half of their (dating) lives around the western part of the island during their undergraduate years, it did not come as a surprise that most of the stories reminisced were of locations clustered around there. To maximize the hours for the shoot, we tightened the itinerary by trimming down the unnecessary traveling by slotting in a couple more places along the way.

NB: The itinerary for the day was such –  IKEA > Hort Park > Rider’s Cafe > Bukit Timah Railway > NUS Arts Canteen > NUS Central Library. There were several other nice options which we had to unfortunately omit due to constraint of time.

~ c h r i s p ~

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