Tag Archives: OCBC Aquatic Centre

Celebrate The Extraordinary

After a 22-yr hiatus, the Southeast Asian Games finally returned to Singapore in June. It was the fourth time that our nation hosted the games, being extra significant as the republic will be celebrating its 50th year of independence this August. Sports enthusiasts were treated to a 12-day sporting fiesta, myself included as I witnessed some of the best sporting action over at the Bishan Sports Hall, OCBC Aquatic Centre and the National Stadium. Since June is generally a popular month for events, I could only afford to catch a few of them amidst my busy schedule. Yet again, not on official duty hence the very conservative framing, due to the restriction imposed on the lens’ focal length at certain venues. Nuff’ said, am glad to bring you some of the highlights from what I managed to capture from a layman’s perspective. Relive the moments!


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